Saturday, September 06, 2008

Army releases message announcing new service uniform
Aug 21, 2008
BY C. Todd Lopez
WASHINGTON (Army News Service, Aug. 25, 2008) -- Out with the old, in with the blue. The Army has made it official; the green service uniform, which has defined the service since the mid-1950s, is on the outs.

The new Army Service Uniform is based on the Army's current dress blue uniform and will replace the white, blue and green service uniforms. Paratroopers are authorized to wear the black combat boots with the new ASU.

read more about this and see a photo, on

Military recipes, cooking for the military

hi, this morning I was wandering what you can find when Googling for "military recipes", so I started Googling.

the first result is a webpage with lots of recipes for a crowd of a 100 men! All the recipes also show the nutritional value. This is the site

If you want more, ZDNet has software with over 1600 military recipes which were developed by the US Military, for $14,95, you can download this recipes database

At recipes are listed from the Canadian Military, this seems to be the only site with recipes from the Canadian Military.

I also found a website which has some old recipes, including Anzac Biscuits :
ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, and these cookies are so named because they were baked and shipped off to Australian and New Zealander soldiers during World War I.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

R&R for US Military personnel

On you can order the book Space A Travel for information on leave on space-available military bases

This is some info from the website:

"We have helped thousands of people save money on travel since 1986

One of the great privileges of serving in the U.S. Armed Forces is Space-A travel -- the use of military lodging on a space-available basis at hundreds of installations around the world.

The Worldwide Space-A Travel Handbook had its inception in 1985, when its original publisher asked an experienced Space-A traveler why he carried a notebook instead of one of the Space-A handbooks already in existence. Answer: No book covered all the essential information in a comprehensive, accurate format. The publisher offered to issue the traveler's notes in book form. The first edition appeared in December 1986. The book is now published and distributed by and is used by thousands of service people around the globe."